Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Old Town and walking the interior; Poet of the Szozat

Magyar Migration Memorial, Budapest, Hungary

 Wars and nationalism. One group using the first to thwart another's second. Then the tables turn.

The large monument is at Vorosmanty Square, the Poet of the Szozat, or Mihaly Vorosmanty, poet of Budapest. He wrote of 9th century Hungary, Magyar heritage, and lived in the 19th century. He is known for his inspirational heroic epics, and narrative poems. See

And the quiet of just wandering about a square. No schedules. Nobody telling you where you are supposed to look.

Old town square in Budapest has the splendid cafes and shops surrounding an open area, and our feet were sore, but I did not take a picture because the charge for a beer was going to be $10 so we politely got up and smiled ruefully, and strolled to a less pricey area.

Keep your wallet currency converter handy. See Europe Road Ways - How We Do It.

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